There is a Buzz in the Chanticleer Air

No, it’s not the hum of happy tires in the open parkade, or Ed enjoying his retirement from all the responsibilities of this building.

Spring! Yes, plans for Spring to help you through these long winter days. Think way back to the last general meeting, in May. A garden committee was formed, research was done, Earth Legacy Landscaping was consulted and now the Board has accepted an environmentally friendly, low maintenance plan.

When: Implementation to begin as soon as Mother Nature gives us digging & planting weather

Time: one-two weeks

Where: the front yard


  • A beautiful, sustainable, environmentally friendly, low maintenance garden space.
  • Retention, and pruning as needed, of all of the existing healthy trees. That means most of them.
  • Removal and/or covering of outdated ’70’s lava rock.
  • Construction of rock swails (drainage & pathways) to collect rainwater and irrigate.
  • Planting of trees, shrubs and perennials in a variety of heights and patterns to create interesting views both looking in from the street and out/down from the windows.
  • Mulching for healthier drainage and plant growth as well as weed prevention.

The Board is excited. The garden committee is excited. We hope this news brightens these short winter days for you too! The Garden Plan. Enjoy!