AGM Change and Other News


Notice: due to the change of Property Management the AGM date has been moved to August 20. Please mark your calendar now and arrange for a proxy if you cannot attend.

A reminder to those who share ownership of a unit: if all owners are not attending the AGM whoever represents the absent owner needs to bring a signed proxy to the meeting. This includes joint owners of a unit. Proxy forms will be distributed before the meeting, with the AGM information packets and agenda.

Time: 7 p.m.

Location: (same always) next door at the Chinese Catholic Church

Please stay tuned for further updates on the Parkade Membrane Replacement, Courtyard Landscaping plans and Bylaw changes. We will post those updates when available.

Bicycle Storage and Parking Stalls

  • All bicycles should now be returned to the bike racks. Currently these are the only designated storage areas for bicycles, other than inside your locker or unit. They cannot be kept in parking stalls. Please refer to Bylaw 4.1.2.
  • Only motorised vehicles in operating condition may be in the stalls. All other items must be removed.

Educational Opportunities

All owners/residents are encouraged to attend one of the upcoming information sessions about the new Condominium Property Act. May 23 or June 20.