Category Uncategorized

Front Door Woes

The outer front door seems to have locked itself during the day instead of just at night. So please advise your guests to call so you can meet them. They won’t be able to buzz you. The locksmith will be…

Water Shut Off

Tuesday, April 28 9:30 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. Water to the whole building will be shut off during this time. It will be turned back on as soon as the plumbing repairs are completed. Thank you for your patience and…

New Condo Act: Important Information

All Chanticleer owners are members of the CCI and eligible to attend their information sessions free, or at a reduced rate where indicated. For a better understanding of this legislation and changes that will be needed to our bylaws, please try…

Property Management Change

As previously announced our current property manager has resigned, effective May 1. We would like to thank Ric for his many years of service to this community both on the Board and as Property Manager these past two years. Please…

Landscaping Survey: Please reply

With promises of Spring all around us it is time to think about the re-landscaping of the courtyard. Since everything in the courtyard area must be removed for the parkade membrane replacement we will be starting with a clean slate. The…

February 2 Board Minutes

The February 2 Board minutes are now available for your reading pleasure. Two important reminders: 1. The Board is currently reviewing proposals for a new management company. Your recommendations are most welcome. 2. The AGM is scheduled for June4. Please…