Bylaw Change Proposals and October Updates: Important Reading!

Something to take your mind off the snow, perhaps…

Bylaw changes have been under consideration for several months. Many thanks to all who provided suggestions, and especially to Maggie Lair, who has organised the responses and helped research their viability.

Please read the Proposed Bylaw Change document carefully and be prepared to discuss them at the November 13 meeting.

  • Stay tuned for publication of the proposed budget which will also be discussed at the November meeting.
  • The September Board meeting minutes are now available: please note the concern about planters balanced on railings. The board is requesting these be removed for the winter and inviting discussion about suitable planter options before Spring.

Parkade Cleaning Wednesday, please read.

Strange Noises

  • That pesky gong/cymbal noise heard by some residents has been investigated and solutions are under way. It is coming from the heating system. Fortunately the heating system is working, but we do want those concerned to know we are aware of the noise and hope to have it fixed soon.

Mouse in the House:

Tis the season for mice to seek warmth. Please check your suite, especially the backs of kitchen cupboards, for signs of mice activity, and read the Mice Memo for information about dealing

Happy News:

We hope you are enjoying the new gate latches. Easier for all to manage the gates, no banging required, yeah!gate latch